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Professional Cloud Service Manager Certification from Cloud Credential Council (CCC)


Course Introduction


The purpose of this syllabus is to provide a clear statement of the knowledge and skills required by a professional cloud service manager. The Professional Cloud Service Manager course ensures that the participants acquire the required skill-set and knowledge to become certified Cloud Service Manager by passing the associated Cloud Credential Council Cloud Service Manager exam.

This course is an IT Service Management (ITSM) course specifically for managing cloud computing and cloud based services using a consistent and applicable approach. This course will explain the aspects of cloud service management which are not covered in traditional ITIL® best-practice and certifications. Furthermore, the course provides guidance to instructors on which areas must be emphasized to give candidates the best possible chance of exam success.

The information in this course applies to a hybrid IT environment which includes legacy IT, Traditional IT and Cloud Computing.


Learning Levels

The modern version of Bloom’s taxonomy of learning is a widely used classification framework for course syllabi and assessments for certification. The taxonomy classifies learning into six ascending levels.

  • Level 1 – the Knowing Level: Exhibit memory of previously learned materials by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts and answers.

  • Level 2 – the Comprehension level: Demonstrative understanding of facts and ideas by organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions, and stating main ideas.

  • Level 3 – the Application level: Using new knowledge. Solve problems to new situations by applying acquired knowledge, facts, techniques and rules in a different way.

  • Level 4 – the Analysis level: Examine and break information into parts by identifying motives or causes. Make inferences and find evidence to support generalizations.

  • Level 5 – the Evaluate level: Present and defend opinions by making judgments about information, validity of ideas or quality of work based on a set of criteria.

  • Level 6 – the Creation level: Compile information together in a different way by combining elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions.

The level of this advanced course for the Professional Cloud Solution Architect role is level 3-4 (Apply, Analyze).


Module objective

Module 1. Course Introduction

Key Topics

  • Meet participants and instructor

  • Course Overview

  • Course Agenda

  • Introduce case study, activities and course book

Learning Objectives

  • (L2) Summarizes the course content, structure, modules and case study.

Module 2. Cloud Service Management Fundamentals

Key Topics

  • History of Cloud Computing

  • Basics of Cloud Service Management

  • Service Perspectives

  • Relationship with IT Service Management (ITSM)

  • Cloud Service and Support Models

Learning Objectives

  • (L2) Describe fundamental concepts related to cloud service management.

  • (L2) Explain basic terminology related to cloud service management.

  • (L2) Explain the relationship between IT Service Management (ITSM) and cloud service management.

  • (L3) Discover how cloud computing is changing how IT is managed and delivered.

  • (L3) Illustrate the difference between the IT, Business and Consumer perspectives.

  • (L3)Show the consumer and provider relationship.

Module 3. Cloud Service Management Roles

Key Topics

  • Cloud Management Roles

  • Service Management Roles

  • Organizational Roles

Learning Objectives

  • (L1) Recall important roles involved in designing and running cloud services.

  • (L4) Identify and explain important roles involved in cloud service management.

  • (L3) Define cloud management roles and their main responsibilities.

  • (L4) Compare and contrast the differences between different cloud management roles.

  • (L4) Compare the relationship between cloud provider and cloud consumer.

  • (L3) Illustrate how cloud and traditional IT roles interrelate in the delivery of IT services.

Module 4. Cloud Service Strategy

Key Topics

  • Cloud Strategy Fundamentals

  • Key Drivers for Adoption

  • Risk Management Overview

Learning Objectives

  • (L3) Differentiate between potential risks and benefits of adopting a cloud strategy.

  • (L1) Select different approaches for recognizing the value of cloud services.

  • (L3) Compose a cloud strategy statement.

  • (L3) Explain stakeholder management techniques.

  • (L3) Produce an initial cloud adoption strategy.

Module 5. Cloud Service Design, Deployment and Migration

Key Topics

  • Basics of Cloud Service Design

  • Dealing with Legacy Systems, Services and Applications

  • Benchmarking of Cloud Services

  • Cloud Service Capability Planning

  • Cloud Service Deployment and Onboarding

  • The Cloud Store

Learning Objectives

  • (L2) Discuss important aspects of cloud service design.

  • (L3) Apply cloud service design techniques.

  • (L4) Analyze the impact of demand & how to right-size cloud services at the design stage.

  • (L2) Summarize key components required to deploy cloud services.

  • (L3) Select appropriate cloud deployment methods.

  • (L4) Outline the main stages of on-boarding cloud services.

  • (L2) Discuss the importance of transition planning before deployment of cloud services.

  • (L4) Outline what a cloud marketplace is.

  • (L4) Differentiate between the consumer and provider perspective of a cloud marketplace.

Module 6. Cloud Service Management

Key Topics

  • Cloud Service Management Perspective

  • Cloud Service Level Management & Service Assurance

  • Dev Op's In a Cloud Environment

  • Managing Cloud Service Configurations

  • Change Management for Cloud Computing Environments

  • Reacting to demand for Cloud Services

Learning Objectives

  • (L2) Discuss how service management principles apply to the running of cloud services.

  • (L4) Operate cloud services under various types of service level agreements & contracts.

  • (L2) Identify how cloud services can reduce unavailability of IT services.

  • (L4) Analyze effective demand management across cloud based service models.

  • (L2) Describe the basic concept of Devops.

  • (L3) Illustrate the benefits, risks and issues of Devops within an IT organization.

  • (L2) Discuss the reasons for and adaptive approach to change and configuration management.

  • (L3) Discover an alternative approach to change and configuration management applicable to cloud based services.

  • (L2) Discuss the importance and benefits of off-boarding or retiring cloud services.

  • (L3) Show methods for reducing unneeded cloud services in line with decreased demand.

  • (L3) Discover how to react to less demand for cloud services.

Module 7. Cloud Service Economics

Key Topics

  • Pricing Models for Cloud Services

  • Procurement of Cloud Based Services

  • Cloud Service Charging

Learning Objectives

  • (L2) Summarize key factors that contribute to the cost of cloud based services.

  • (L2) Discuss specific financial aspects and considerations applicable to cloud services.

  • (L4) Outline the various pricing models for cloud services.

  • (L4) Examine the challenges with purchasing cloud based services.

  • (L4) Discover how OPEX is replacing CAPEX and how to deal with this paradigm shift.

  • (L4) Analyze different cloud service charging methods.

  • (L4) Diagram a Hybrid IT cost model.

Module 8. Cloud Service Governance

Key Topics

  • Basic Governance Definitions

  • Cloud Governance Framework

  • Cloud Governance Considerations

Learning Objectives

  • (L2) Summarize the different governance layers applicable to IT and Cloud Service Management.

  • (L2) Recognize the importance applying governance to cloud based services and service delivery.

  • (L3) Discuss the difference management and governance.

  • (L3) Discover key governance requirements of cloud service provision.

  • (L4) Model a governance structure including governance of cloud computing and cloud based services.

  • (L3) Discover activities for establishing cloud governance.

  • (L2) Identify IT Governance, compliance and controls.

Module 9. Showing the Value of Cloud Services to the Business

Key Topics

  • Understanding the Value of Cloud Services

  • Linking the Value of Cloud Services to Strategy

  • Measuring the Value of Cloud Services

Learning Objectives

  • (L2) Identify the importance of showing the value gained from using cloud based services to the organization.

  • (L3) Choose between different methods for measuring the value of cloud computing and cloud services to the business.

  • (L3) Demonstrate how to link cloud value back to IT strategy.

  • (L2) Discuss how to influence business change to accept adoption of cloud services.

Module 10. Popular Service Management Frameworks

Key Topics

  • Best Practice Frameworks

  • ISO Standards

  • Governance Frameworks

  • Cloud Standards

Learning Objectives

  • Name a number of popular and relevant IT frameworks and standards.

  • Recall the purpose of the IT frameworks and standards.

  • Understand where to find additional information on each listed IT framework and standard.


For More Details Contact:

Ph: US: +1 919 4078407, INDIA: +91 7021099377



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